Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Feline 3: Part 1

The evil robber steals into the museum after closing time, but soon finds he's not alone!

I will not be doing these strictly every week, and probably won't do number 2 for at least two weeks, because tomorrow I'm going to Chicago for over a week, then we have a camp (sort of) for a several days after that...

Monday, June 8, 2009

0.07 Finale!!!!!

I plan to make some more James Bonk stuff after The Feline 3.

P.S. I think that we (the Life in Brickville team) should come up with some sort of a posting schedule, so that we don't slack off and eventually abandon the blog. I was thinking, like, at least one or two blog posts every week, and maybe we could rotate which team members post them. What d'you guys think?