Monday, July 27, 2009

The Feline 3: Part 2

Here is part 2 of The Feline 3:

Anyway, about the potential posting schedule...I think we could shoot for at least one post a week, and have a rotation for who has to post. For example, HudHornet has the first week, I do the second, Nathaniel, does third, and SR goes last. We don't need to do that particular order, I just put the names alphabetically.  Can you guys think of anything to add to that?


Anonymous said...

Uber uBer ubEr ubeR job!

I gave you a huge "lecture" on your other blog...

Anonymous said...

Hey, ling hao, (and other authors of this blog who happen to take the time to read this comment) do you mind if I change the template? don't worry, I won't do a "cutest blog on the block" template.

Jared -or- A Kitten said...

Thanks! The template is great how it is.

Chap in the fedora said...

Dude, did you make that? Its great! cracking up the hole time! :D Great job!

Your friend,